
Bird News Thursday 20th February

23 Twite were beside the boat compound at Whitehead seafront. (Cameron Moore)

A drake American Wigeon was at the Barmouth. The Black Redstart was still at the bandstand at Portstewart and a Long-eared Owl was roosting at the University of Ulster. (Nigel Moore / Garry Wilkinson)

2 Sandwich Tern were at Groomsport (George Gordon)

Myroe had c 900 Pale-bellied Brent Geese and c1100 Golden Plover on the lawn grass fields: also 250 Whooper Swans were feeding on potato fields. Off Magilligan Point 15 Common Scoter. (Ken Perry/John Clarke/Hill Dick)

Black Redstart, Nigel Moore:

Long-eared Owl, Garry Wilkinson:

This Kestrel was in a garden at Cavehill, Belfast, Reece Hinton:

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