
Bird News Thursday 27th February

The Waxwing flock was still at Mill Pond off Station Road in Doagh this morning. (Ivan Quail).

A Black-necked Grebe is at Reedy Flat on the south shore of Lough Neagh - almost certainly the same bird as last spring and summer. It was calling and practising courtship. (James O'Neill).

A Brambling has been feeding in garden in the Ballycrochan area of Bangor for the last two weeks, see picture below. (Michael Richardson).

10 Snipe and a Red-breasted Merganser were at Belfast WOW reserve. (Derek Polley).

10 Twite were at Rossglass Co Down today on the coastal fence.At Killough harbour there was a Greenshank, 45 Turnstone were along shoreline. 200 Fieldfare were at Grange Road outside Downpatrick. A 300 mixed flock of Fieldfare & Redwing were at Quoile Nature Reserve and 200+ Fieldfare at Ballywillanlough Road, Crossgar. (David Clarke).

The Black Redstart was still at Portstewart, 15 Buzzard and a Kestrel were seen in County Londonderry. (Christine Cassidy & Lindsay Hodges)

A first winter American Herring Gull was at Sligo (Seamus Feeney)

Thanks to Michael Richardson for the picture of the Brambling, to David Clarke for the picture of the Greenshank and to Christine Cassidy & Lindsay Hodges for the picture of the Black Redstart:

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