
Bird News Tuesday 25th February

The Lesser Yellowlegs was seen again this afternoon with Redshanks at the south end of Lough Beg, also present were 35 Ruff and 800 Black-tailed Godwits. (David Steele).

Between 7 - 8am Whitehead had 72 Red-throated Diver and 2 Great Northern Diver flying into Belfast Lough. The Twite were still present at boat park. (Ian Enlander).

Around 200 Whoopers were in fields 3 miles from Magherafelt along the A6. (Jim McKeown).

The Black Redstart was at the Crescent, Portstewart today at 3 pm. (Sean Hickey).

At least 30 Tree Sparrows were feeding in muddy coastal field at Minerstown Co Down today at 2 pm and a separate and distinct flock of 40 Linnets arrived at same location. A female Kestrel was at McNabs recycle area, Downpatrick Road, Killough. (David Clarke et al)

59 Sanderling were at Castlerock (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

Thanks to Ian Enlander for the picture of the Twite and to David Clarke for the picture of the Tree Sparrows:

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