
Lough Beg on World Wetlands Day

The theme of today's (Ramsar) World Wetlands Day was biodiversity and Lough Beg lived up its reputation for being one of Ireland’s richest wetlands for birds. Large numbers of waterbirds encountered on a public walk to celebrate the occasion included 740 Whooper Swans, 2,000 Golden Plover, 1,000 Lapwing, 22 Ruff and 43 Little Egrets. A ringtail Hen Harrier was hunting between Church Island and Paddy’s Dub.

For anyone interested, the re-routing of the A6 through Lough Beg’s meadows between The Creagh and Deer Park Road will be the subject of a discussion led by Chris Murphy and Doris Noe in the company of Extinction Rebellion at the Accidental Theatre, Shaftesbury Square, Belfast this Tuesday, 4 February, at 6pm. All welcome.

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