
Raptor Sightings in NI

We have been asked by the NIRSG to publish the following and would ask everyone to respect it. We do forward sightings of raptors to the NIRSG when they are passed on to us.

Dear NI Birds contributors / readers,
We would like to thank you for your role in recording and documenting the species you encounter and remind you that you are incredibly valuable assets in the recording community. As we begin to enter another breeding season for birds of prey we would like to remind everyone that these species are extremely vulnerable to disturbance and suffer from widespread illegal killing - see last report here: Raptor Report 
Many species of birds of prey are extremely site faithful and remain on their territories all year. Please be mindful of what you post on social media, especially related to the locations of sensitive and vulnerable species.

Kind regards,
Eimear Rooney
Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group

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