
Bird News Monday 16th March

13 Snow Buntings were at Glassagh Bay, Fanad. A Sandwich Tern and about 30 Long-tailed Ducks were also in the area. (Stephen Dunbar)

Newry Canal from Gambles Bridge to Scarva produced - 5 Sand Martins, 50 Fieldfare, 13 Redwing, 16 Raven (close to a dead sheep) and 2 Tree Sparrow. (Fulton Somerville)

The Ring-billed Gull remains at Belfast Waterworks, it was on the lower lake.(Stuart McKee)

A Chiffchaff was singing at Tullaghoge, Cookstown, this morning. (Kerry Leonard)

The drake Ring-necked Duck and four Scaup were on Lough Fern and 9 Mediterranean Gulls at Kerrykeel, Co Donegal (Wilton Farrelly)

A Snow Bunting was at Keeble, Rathlin Island.(Ric Else/Hazel Watson)

3 Sand Martins on Craigavon North Lake (Brian Nelson)

Our thanks to Stuart McKee for the photo of the Ring-billed Gull and also to Mike McLaughlin for the Yellowhammer and also to Stephen Dunbar for the Long-tailed Duck.

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