
Bird News Saturday 11th April.

Summer visitors continue to arrive, 2 Common Tern where at Oxford Island.(Ed O'Hara)

Rathlin Island had...1 Ring Ouzel 1 Iceland Gull (2cy) 1 Merlin 1 Sedge Warbler (1st of the spring) 1 Greenshank (1st of the spring) 1 Dunlin (first of the spring) 2 Shovelers (best bird of the day in Rathlin terms) 5 Greenland White-fronted Geese(Ric Else/Hazel Watson)

Yesterday...Killough Harbour: 828 Brent Geese, c.600 Golden Plover, a pair of Eiders and Little Egrets calling from the heronry (Chris Murphy)

Common Tern - Ed O'Hara

Blackcap - Kenny Moore.

Rook - David Hunter

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