
Bird News Saturday 18th April

2 Swifts were over Ballynacor on the south shore of Lough Neagh this morning. (Ed O'Hara).

12 Whimbrel at Ballycarry Bridge end of Larne Lough this morning. (Ian Enlander).

A single Whimbrel and two probable hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crows were at Ballymacormick Point near Bangor. (Michael Latham).

A Whooper Swan and 2 Greylag were on Lough Shark this morning. (Fulton Somerville).

In Killough Harbour, a Dark-bellied Brent was a new arrival this evening; 581 Brents and a few hundred Golden Plovers present; Whimbrel heard over the village morning and evening (Chris Murphy)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Swift, to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Whimbrel and the hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crow, to Terry Hanna for the picture of the Chiffchaff and to Kevin Rice for the pictures of the Raven and the Meadow Pipit:

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