
Bird News Friday 26th June.

RSPB WOW reserve had... 25 Lapwing and 300 Black-tailed Godwit, also 90-100 Shelduck. It is slightly damp rather than dry.(Derek Polley)

An adult Med Gull was at Portmuck.(Shirley Dunlop/Gerald McGeehan)

A Corncrake was heard calling from agricultural land near Portstewart several times today and has been present daily since 23 June  (Alec Tinlin and Ken Perry)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over the A1 at Buskhill Road, Newry, Friday evening (Chris Veale)

An extraordinary record of a Shearwater species found alive on Monday at Tramore, Co Waterford has turned out to be a SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER, it was in extremely bad health when found and since died, they are from Australia & Tasmania, it is no surprise that this is the first record for Ireland and the Western Palearctic, it just goes to show that anything can turn up on our shores.     

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