
Bird News Friday 7th August

A Spotted Sandpiper is at Castle Espie this afternoon. See picture below. (Mark Wigglesworth) For current Covid restricted access arrangements to Castle Espie, please see

When on site, please maintain social distancing and wear a face mask when in enclosed spaces eg hides.

Three Roseate Tern are at RSPB WoW - 2 adults, 1 juvenile. (Daniel Newton).

A Storm Petrel was among a steady passage of Manx Shearwaters, Gannets, Sandwich Terns, Kittiwakes and Auks at St John's Point. (Warren Fowlds)

Green Sandpiper 1 over Portmore  Lough RSPB Reserve this afternoon (Brad Robson)

Thanks to Mark Wigglesworth for the picture of the Spotted Sandpiper and to Daniel Newton for the pictures of the Roseate Terns:

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