
Bird News Friday 25th September

There was no sign of the Bobolink at all today.

The juvenile Long-billed Dowitcher was seen again at Lough Beg today, along the shoreline at Mullagh. Also 25 Ruff and a Pink-footed Goose in the area.(David Steele) 

60 Whoopers were back at Myroe (Lindsay Hodges)

2 Mandarin Duck were at Broughshane on the River Braid.  A seawatch at Ramore was very quiet - 4 Bonxies, 3 RT Diver, 1 GN Diver, 1 Arctic Tern, 1 Manx Shearwater, 4 Teal + Gannet and Kittiwake (Ian Enlander)

3,000 Skylark where noted between 10am - noon at St Johns Point.(Chris Murphy)

A Yellow-browed Warbler,  50+ Coal Tits and 2 Wheatear were the best on Arranmore today (Davy Hunter)

Yesterday 122 Pink-footed Geese were observed flying over Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

A seawatch at Ramore Head produced 1 Sabine's Gull and 3 Great Skua. (Hill Dick)

24 Pink-footed geese flew over Orlock today (Richard Weyl)

2 juv Sabine's, 6 Bonxie, 2 Red-throated diver, and an Arctic Skua were at Ramore Head this evening. (Matthew Tickner)

Our thanks to Ian Enlander for the Mandarin photo  to Lindsay Hodges for the Wheatear and to David Hill for the Arctic Skua. 

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