
Bird News Sunday 13th September

A Lesser Yellowlegs was at the Bann Estuary at 5:05pm (Richard Donaghey)

The Little Stint was still at Myroe this morning (Lindsay Hodges)

The first year Little Gull is again at Belfast WOW Reserve (Jeff Larkin)

The Spoonbill was showing again off Station Road, Ballykelly (Lindsay Hodges)

A Hen Harrier was in the Antrim Hills (Michael Latham)

Six White Wagtail were at Kearney (Wilton Farrelly)

Two Lapland Buntings and a Grasshopper Warbler were at Fair Head this morning. A Curlew Sandpiper was at Sandy bay, Larne this afternoon (Neal Warnock)

Five Arctic Skua were at Burial Island (Richard Weyl)

Lesser Yellowlegs, Richard Donaghey:

Little Stint, Lindsay Hodges:

Spoonbill, Lindsay Hodges:

Hen Harrier, Michael Latham:

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