
Bird News Thursday 10th September.

A White Wagtail was at RSPB Wow reserve.(Derek Polley)

Myroe today had 1 Curlew Sandpiper and 1 Little Stint. The Spoonbill was showing well at Ballykelly Marsh. (Hill Dick)

The Spoonbill was seen from  Station Rd, Ballykelly. A Little Stint was at Myroe and an Osprey was seen flying high over Barmouth heading south. (Patrick Barton)

A Tree Pipit, two Stock Doves, 12 White Wagtails and 10 Long-tailed Tits were among highlights of three hours of visible migration at St John’s Pt this morning between 8.30 and 11.30 dominated by Meadow Pipits c.2,000, Starlings c.1,500, Skylarks c.200, Goldfinches c 300, Siskins 42 and Tree Sparrows 31; (Chris Murphy)

A flock of five Lapland Buntings are now present at Copeland Bird Observatory (Ollie Padget & Joe Wynn)

Magilligan Point had two Arctic Skua and a juvenile Little Gull (Richard Donaghey)

Our thanks to Thomas Campbell for this photo of a Sandering. Also to Juliet Fleming for the Sandwich  Tern. Bottom photo sent in by John Bamford is of the Spoonbill seen at Ballykelly.

This young Manx Shearwater appeared at the door of a house at Donaghadee, Billy Miskelly:


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