
Bird News Thursday 3rd September

A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper, juv Little Stint and 5 Curlew Sandpipers are at Myroe Levels, Lough Foyle, Derry. (Neal Warnock)

An Osprey was at Stoneyford Reservoir on Sunday 30th August (Kimberley McKendrick & Derek Thompson)

Ad female type Marsh Harrier was still at Portmore Lough (Brad Robson)

 RSPB Wow reserve had... 1 Ruff ,1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Wigeon (first since lockdown) 30 + Common Tern chicks(Derek Polley)

A Roseate Tern, two Wheatears and six Siskins (flying over) were at St John’s Pt this morning; many swallows and martins were departing in fine weather (Chris Murphy)

Lady's Bay , Lough Neagh had a Little Gull and a Little Egret.(Kevin Kirkham)

Take part in a BTO questionaire..... 

BTO NI would be grateful if you could take the time to complete an online questionnaire at the following link: 

This should only take around five minutes. The aim is to help BTO increase volunteer participation in Northern Ireland so that they can produce more robust scientific data and better understand our wild bird populations. 

The more responses BTO get to the questionnaire the better, so please feel free to forward the link to anybody who might be interested.

The questionnaire will be closed on 28th October 2020.

Our  thanks to Juliet Fleming for this photo of a Turnstone.

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