
Bird News Friday 9th October

A Yellow-browed Warbler was at Runkerry Wood (Richard Hunter). Also yesterday a Garden Warbler was also present here (John Clarke)

A Yellow -browed Warbler was seen at Kearney.(Comghal McQuillan)

4 Yellow-browed Warbler and 3 Twite where on Rathlin Island.(Wilton Farrelly)

The Temmincks Stint was still present yesterday on the Blackstaff river.(Dermot Hughes/John O'Boyle)

3 Redwing where at Murlough today.(Garry Wilkinson)

A Cattle Egret was seen between the restored section of Strabane Canal and the Foyle, south of where the Burn Dennet flows in. Parking at the Canal car park on Greenlaw Rd. associating w cows in long rush field.(Michael Savage)

Our thanks to Michael Savage for the photo of the Cattle Egret (see above post for location) Also to Comghal McQuillan for the Yellow - browed Warbler and to Dermot Hughes for the Temmincks Stint.

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