
Bird News Saturday 24th October

 The Little Stint was still at Myroe and at least 2 American Golden Plover were at Ballykelly, 45 Pink-feet and Greylags were with 1,400 Whoopers, a Black Swan was also present. 2 Barnacle Geese and 5 Pink-feet were along Seacoast Road. (Richard Donaghey/Wilton Farrelly).

4 Purple Sandpipers were at Newcastle harbour, several flocks of Scoter were offshore. A Carrion Crow was near Strangford. (Michael Latham).

60 Whooper Swans were in fields north east of Island Hill on Strangford Lough. (Kevin Kirkham).

Thanks to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Purple Sandpiper and the Carrion Crow:

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