
Bird News Tuesday 6th October

Rathlin has 6 Yellow-browed Warblers (3 at Keeble and 3 at Kinramer), Brambling, Snow Bunting, a continuing arrival of Redwings, a late Willow Warbler and the White-tailed Eagle (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

Two Yellow-browed Warblers are at Kearney, Co Down (Garry Armstrong)

A Yellow-browed warbler was at Whitehead, Co.Antrim, in trees on the Blackhead path, Port Davey. A Black-throated Diver and an Arctic Skua were offshore (Paul McCullough)

An un-ringed Sacred Ibis is present at Kiltybane Lake, Cullyhanna, Co. Armagh. (Victor Caschera)

Two Snow Bunting were on Castlerock Beach and a Lapland Bunting flew over (John Clarke)

A possible Whistling Swan has been seen with a small group of Whoopers on The Oa, Islay. It's worth keeping an eye on arriving Whooper flocks! (David Dinsley)

The juvenile Long-billed Dowitcher was seen again at Mullagh this afternoon, also Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper and a Black Tern. (David Steele)

On Fanad Head a Yellow-browed Warbler was near the bar. Off shore a two hour sea watch had 8 Bonxie, 4 Arctic Skua and a Leaches Petrel (Jamie Bliss)

Yellow-browed Warbler, Kearney (Garry Armstrong):

Snow Bunting, John Clarke:

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