
Bird News Wednesday 28th October.

The Cattle Egret gave good views outside the Hide on the Bann estuary and the American Golden Plover showed well near Portstewart.( J Clarke, H Dick, J McDowell, K Perry.)

A Snow Bunting was seen on Slieve Croob.(Olcan Shaw)

16 Sandwich Tern where at Portaferry marina to-day, (17 has been the highest overwintering count)so let us see over the coming winter months if we can better 17.(John Foster)

Final Call for the BTO NI Birdwatchers' Conference! 

This November, BTO NI will be hosting a "virtual" conference on Zoom. The conference will be held over three sessions, with the first on Sat 7th Nov and costing only £5 for all three. For more information and online booking, please see the following link:

Our thanks to John Clarke for the photo's off the Cattle Egret and the American Golden Plover.

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