
Bird News Tuesday 24th November.

A Red Kite was seen searching fields on Drumcaw Road with the junction of Drumanaghan Road approaching the Ballynahinch Road.(Sean Hennessy)

The Glaucous Gull was still present at Burger King, Coleraine.(Gerard McGeehan/Shirley Dunlop)

The Great White Egret and the Marsh Harrier still present at RSPB Portmore Lough reserve.(Richard Caves)

In Killough this afternoon: Long-tailed Duck, Strand Lough, Mediterranean Gull Inner Harbour, Great Northern Diver, Outer Harbour, 1300 Golden Plover, 1200 Lapwing, 74 Curlew opp. Brickworks (Chris Murphy)

The Goosander still present at Glynn.(Richard Gray)

Our thanks to Richard Caves for the photo of the Great White Egret. 


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