
Bird News Friday 27th November

 The Great White Egret and the Marsh Harrier were both still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve today. (Brad Robson).

The 8 Buzzards and 11 Grey Herons are still in a field at Flatfields between Moira and Hillsborough. . Also circa 500 Golden Plover and over 100 Lapwing also present. (Juliet Fleming).

Five Long-eared Owls were in Coleraine and a Merlin was between Portrush and Portstewart. )John Clarke).

The Spotted Redshank was giving good views at Ardilea, Dundrum North Inner Bay. (David Nixon)

Three Great Northern Divers were in and around Portrush harbour. (David Hill).

Three Pinkfeet were with 155 Greylags and 600 Whoopers at Myroe. 15 Slavonian Grebes were offshore. Six Stock Dove were near the Burnfoot River. (Richard Gray).

The Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry Bridge. (Cameron Moore),

Yesterday a Swallow was at Whitehead. (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to Juliet Fleming for the picture of the Buzzard, to John Stewart for the pictures of the Long-eared Owl and the Merlin, to David Nixon for the picture of the Spotted Redshank and to David Hill for the picture of the Great Northern Diver:

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