
Bird News Sunday 8th November

A Snow Bunting was still at Slieve Gullion (John Spottiswood).

A Great White Egret was at the south end of Lough Beg this afternoon. Also 35 Ruff and two Pink-footed Geese were in the area. (David Steele).

The Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry Bridge up to 4.00pm at least. (Cameron Moore).

The Long-tailed Duck was still in the channel at Myroe, several White-fronted and Pink-footed Geese were with Greylags in the fields. A Slavonian Grebe was offshore and 50 Sanderling at the mouth of the Roe. (Martin Deehan).

14 Twite were on Rathlin today. Also seen on Rathlin over the weekend were 5 White-fronted Geese, 2 Snow Bunting, a Grey Wagtail and 75 Jackdaws, an uncommon bird on the island (Ric Else & Hazel Watson)

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the 1st Great White Egret picture, to Allistair Gordon for the pictures of the Great White & Little Egrets and the Jay and to Ric Else and Hazel Watson for the picture of the Twite:

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