
Bird News Thursday 12th November.

The dark - bellied Brent was still at Dundrum Inner Bay.(David Nixon)

48 Whooper Swans have been feeding in stubble at St John’s Pt and roosting on Strand Lough each day this week (Chris Murphy)

50 Twite where still around Ramore Head.(David Hill)

The Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry (Linda Thompson) 


A freshly dead juv. Whooper Swan found at Lough Beg on Saturday while carrying out an independent impact assessment of the A6 has been tested by DAERA and found to have the highly contagious avian pathogen H5N8. Birders should be alert though it is not considered by WHO to pose a significant health risk to humans..

Our thanks to David for the photo of the d - b Brent. Also to David for the photo off a Twite.


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