
Bird News Thursday 19th November

The Great White Egret is still showing on Dromantine Lake. (Albert Boyle)

The Great White Egret was still at Portmore RSPB reserve this afternoon, in reeds close to hide. (Comghall McQuillan / Richard Caves)

The Spotted Redshank and a Ruff were in Dundrum South Inner Bay today. A high count of 15 Grey Plovers were in North Inner Bay. (David Nixon & John O'Boyle)

St John’s Point, Co Down today had 200+ Skylark, 3 Stock Doves, a White Fronted Goose, and a Canada Goose. Lough Island Reavy had 2 Goosander (male & female) & a good number of Red-breasted Merganser (Fulton Somerville)

The Great White Egret at Ballycarry was still present (Ian Enlander)

Four Great Northern Diver were at Portrush (John Clarke)

A Brambling was still visiting a garden in north Antrim (Dick Glasgow)

The female Goosander was still at Glynn (David Rainey)

Great White Egret, Portmore, Comghal McQuillan:

Great Northern Diver, Portrush, John Clarke:

Great White Egret, Ballycarry, Ian Enlander:

Brambling, Dick Glasgow:

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