
Bird News Christmas Day

15 Twite are at the Boatyard, Whitehead (Ian Enlander)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was visiting a garden in Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson)

A high count of 24 Tree Sparrow were visiting a garden at Kilraughts Road, Ballymoney (Derek McIntyre)

A Peregrine was at Millisle (Guy Hamilton). Another was at Kinnegar (Gilly Irwin)

High counts of 50 Skylarks, 80 Reed Buntings, 40Yellowhammers and 50 Tree Sparrows were in stubble beside Sheepland Windmill stump (Chris Murphy)

Twite, Ian Enlander:

Red-throated Diver, Newcastle, Michael Latham:

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