
Bird News Friday 18th December

 The drake American Wigeon and female Goosander were both still off Glynn in Larne Lough. (Brian Halligan).

The Great White Egret and Marsh Harrier still present at RSPB Portmore Lough reserve.(Richard Caves)

The Red Kite was still present in the Antrim hills. (Kenny Moore).

A Med Gull was at Whitehead and 8 Twite beside the boatyard.(Cameron Moore)

A Snow Bunting was on Divis Mountain today 2pm.(Albert Boyle.)

A Brambling was reported from a garden in Eglinton Co.Derry.(Pamela Hardeman)

The Black Brant was still at Myroe today.

Our thanks to Cameron Moore for the pic of the Med.Gull. Also to Richard Caves for the Marsh Harrier.

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