
Bird News Monday 7th December

A female Brambling was visiting a garden in Ballymena (Jeff Larkin)

The Bufflehead was still off the hide at the Quoile this morning. (Tony Donaldson / Garry Wilkinson)

2 Black-throated Diver, 8 Common Scoter and 1 Slavonian Frebe were off Hazel Bank, Belfast Lough. (Dave Alen) A Long-tailed Duck and Great Northern Diver were also seen in the afternoon (Stuart McKee)

A male Brambling was in a Chaffinch flock in Hillsborough (Owen Beckett)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at the Ecos Park, Ballymena (Jeff Larkin)

The Black Brant was still with the Brent flock at Myroe,  the Barnacle was with the Whooper and Greylag flock. 5 Pinkfeet and 15 Grey Plover were also present.  (Garry Armstrong)

3 Twite were with the Linnet flock at Sandy bay, Larne today. (Neal Warnock)

The Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry (Terry Hanna)

Male Brambling, Kenny Moore:

Great White Egret, Ballycarry, Terry Hanna:

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