
Bird News Saturday 12th December

The Bufflehead is still at the Quoile, in the area near the hide. (Garry Armstrong). The two Pinkfeet were also still present. (Kevin Kirkham)

The Black Redstart was seen again around the boatyard at Ballylumford and the Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry Bridge. (Cameron Moore)

A Slavonian Grebe was off Seapark and a Great Northern Diver and Long-tailed Duck off Carrickfergus (Brian Sutton)

A Sandwich Tern was seen at Millisle (Chris Shaw)

Four Goosander were on the River Maine, Ballymena (Mervyn Campbell)

Scaup, Castle Espie, Alastair McLean:

Goosanders, River Maine, Ballymena, Mervyn Campbell:

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