
Bird News Sunday 20th December

A Long-tailed Duck was by the bridge at Victoria Park in Belfast. (Jonathan Clarke).

The Bufflehead was still at the yacht club end of the Quoile. (Ian Graham).

The American Wigeon was still at Glynn in Larne Lough and 2 Red-throated Divers were off Carnlough. (Michael Latham)

A flock of Twite were at Sandy Bay in Larne. (Linda Thompson)

42 Whooper swans were feeding in a flooded field at the Comber end of the Greenway this afternoon. (Chris Shaw)

The Black Brant, 9 Pink-feet and a Long-tailed Duck were at Myroe today. (Neal Warnock)

A Pintail was at Dungannon Park Lake (David Shilliday)

Thanks to Philip West and Michael Latham for the pictures of the American Wigeon, to Jonathan Calrke for the picture of the Long-tailed Duck and to Linda Thompson for the picture of the Twite:

Philip West

Michael Latham

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