
Bird News Thursday 31st December

A drake American Wigeon is at Drumgay Lough, Enniskillen. A Long-tailed Duck was also present. (Brad Robson)

The Twite flock remain at Whitehead Boat Club (Linda Thompson)

Two Long-tailed Duck were off Newtownards Sailing Club, 5 Slavonian Grebe in Greyabbey Bay and 6 Jack Snipe at Portavogie. (Richard Weyl)

40 Skylark and 3 Tree Sparrow were at Sheepland Windmillc Co Down (David Clarke)

The Long-tailed Duck was still in the channel at Myroe (Martin Deehan)

We would like to wish all contributors and readers a happy New Year and a healthy 2021.

Hybrid Ring-billed Gul \ Common Gull, Tony Dodds:

Twite, Linda Thompson:

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