
Bird News Thursday 3rd December

An Iceland Gull was between Ballycastle and Fair Head (John Clarke)

Three Great Northern Diver were at the south end of Lough Beg (David Steele)

Dundrum Outer Bay, Co Down (between Tyrella and Murlough) had a drake Surf Scoter, c.4,500 Common  Scoters, 108 Red-throated Divers, 11 Great Northern Divers and high counts of 126 Great Crested Grebes, 58 Red-breasted Mergansers and 44 Razorbills; Dundrum Inner Bay North had the Spotted Redshank and a high count of 37 Grey Plover. St John’s Point also had a high count of 60 Tree Sparrows (Chris Murphy)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was amongst the Black-headed Gulls on the pond at the Billy Neill Centre, Dundonald. It was coming into summer plumage and was a different bird to the winter adult seen there a few weeks ago (Chris Shaw)

A Barnacle Goose was with Brent Geese at Myroe (Martin Deehan)

Iceland Gull, John Clarke:

Red-throated Diver, Brian Redpath:

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