
Bird News Saturday 30th January

The Marsh Harrier and the Great White Egret were both at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning. (Garry Armstrong)

Three Glaucous Gulls were at the mouth of the river Bush , Portballintrae (John Clarke)

62 Tree Sparrow were visiting a garden at Kilraughts Road, Ballymoney (Derek McIntyre)

Between Donaghadee and Groomsport were an adult Little Gull (north of Donaghadee), 30 Stock Dove (Portavoe), 3 Whimbrel and an adult Mediterranean Gull (Brigg’s Rocks) and 3 Jack Snipe (Sheep Point). (Richard Weyl)

Gull numbers at Clea Lake, Keady have reduced significantly. This evening circa 50 birds were present with the best been one Iceland Gull and 3 agentatus Herring Gulls.

Portaferry had 14 Sandwich Terns yesterday (John Wilson Foster)

Glaucous Gull, John Clarke:

1w Iceland Gull and adult argentatus Herring Gull:

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