
Bird News Sunday 25th April

A male Hen Harrier was over Oxford Island this morning. (Garry Armstrong).

The Black-necked Grebe was seen again at Reedy Flats on the south shore of Lough Neagh. (Ed O'Hara).

Whimbrel around Lough Neagh today included 5 at Corkey Point, 17 at Reedy Flats,  2 at Portmore and 22 at Lady Bay. (Garry Armstrong,  Ed O’Hara,  Comghal McQuillan).

Two swift were at Chapel street Cookstown (Tony McCormick). Swift’s were also back in Ballymena today (Richard Gray). Two Swift were also at Belvoir Park (Keith Savage)

A Reed Warbler was at Lough Cowey (Richard Weyl)

An immature White-tailed Eagle was seen over the East Light, Rathlin, this morning.

Spring Migrants such as Cuckoo, Grsshopper Warbler, Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper and Whitethroats are widely reported. Thanks to everyone who has sent sightings in. 

Red Grouse, Michael Latham:

Wheatear, Cecil Smyth:

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