
Bird News Wednesday 5th May

A possible Eagle was reported from the Craigantlet / Bangor road junction this morning. (Robert Bailie).

The Curlew Sandpiper was with 75 Dunlin on Kinnegar shore, 5 Whimbrel and a Sanderling were also present. (Stuart McKee \ Michael Latham).

A huge count of 270 Whimbrel were at Lough Erne Golf Resort, Co Fermangh. Also present were 12 White Wagtails. A Spotted Flycatcher was at the Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB Reserve this morning (Brad Robson)

Four Corncrake have been calling today on Rathlin (Neal Warnock)

Curlew Sandpiper, Michael Latham:

White Wagtail, Ballintoy, Thomas Campbell:

Whimbrel, Barmouth, Thomas Campbell:

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