
Least Tern - Co Dublin

A Least Tern is at Portrane and the Rogerstown Estuary, Co. Dublin. If travelling for it, directions are below.

A male Least Tern is frequenting the Portrane Beach and Rogerstown Estuary. It was seen (by Niall and Noel Keogh) this morning at 08:20 in front of the south hide (Frank McManus hide) at Rogerstown on a dropping tide where it was picked up by call as it chased a female Little Tern while carrying a fish. After a few minutes the bird headed east out of the estuary and ended up at the wardened Little Tern colony at Portrane.

Whilst the Little Tern colony at Portrane is wardened, the site is still sensitive to disturbance. Parking is best around Portrane village / The Brook pub / at the south end of the beach from where it’s a 1.5km walk north along the beach to the colony site. Please stay on the lower section of the beach while walking north and be mindful of breeding Ringed Plovers, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits. Please do not park on the narrow private lanes along The Burrow near the dunes. 

The viewing area is clearly marked along the beach with three large wooden posts just south of the fenced colony area. Please adhere to these instructions and any instructions given on site by the wardens. It is imperative that the tern colony fence is not approached from either the dunes or the beach. The first chicks are hatching there now and it is vital that disturbance is kept to a minimum. No disturbance will be caused if viewing from the three wooden posts on the beach south of the colony.
Donations to the (volunteer run) project will be most appreciated. There will be a bucket on site.

The tern can be seen (and heard!) from here with decent scope views. It is courting females so is often seen flying around the mouth of the estuary and landing on sand bars and tideline out from the colony. It sounds like a ring-necked parakeet and can be clearly heard even at a distance.

There is a better chance of seeing the bird on the shore and sand bars out from the colony during lower tides. At high tide it might head into Rogerstown outer estuary from where it could potentially be seen from Channel Road and the public walkway area in front of Rush sailing club car park.(per Niall Keogh)

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