
Bird News Friday 16th July

The Great White Egret was viewable distantly from the Strand viewing point, Lough Beg (Michael Latham)

A Lesser Whitetroat was in song, (not seen,)  in scrub lower Wolf Hill above Ligoneil Dams GR IJ 294 773. (Dermot Hughes, Vincent Toal, Larry Toal).

The Green Sandpiper still present at Ladys Bay.(Richard Caves)

A juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker continues to visit a garden outside Hillsborough. (Juliet Fleming).

A Corys Shearwater was seen flying east off Fanad Head this evening (Oscar Campbell)

Thanks to Juliet Fleming for the picture of the Great Spotted Woodpecker and to Raymond Houston for the picture of the Kingfisher. Also to John Mason for the photo of the two Black-tailed Godwits.

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