
Bird News Friday 2nd July.

The Ruff was still at the Wow RSPB reserve. (Derek Polley)

A Rosy Starling was reported in a garden in Ballycastle. (Birdguides).

5 Brent Geese are at Castle Espie. (Castle Epsie WWT) 

A Corncrake was calling along the Causeway coastal path this morning, the path was overlooking Rathlin. (Richard Donaghey)

The Green Sandpiper was still at Lady Bay, Aghalee this afternoon.(Nigel Moore) Three Common Sandpiper where also present. (Michael Latham)

A Fieldfare was at Billy Neill playing fields Dundonald this evening. (Chris Shaw)

Our thanks to Wilfred Swain for the Sparrowhawk photo. Also to Michael Latham for the Green Sandpiper photo. 


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