
Bird News Thursday 22nd July

A Green Sandpiper and Pochard were at Killough Harbour. A high count of 25 Little Egret were also present. Two Spotted Flycatcher were in Kelly’s Wood. (Chris Murphy)

Two Ruff and a Bar-tailed Godwit were at an extremely dry RSPB WoW (Derek Polley)

Over 20 Spotted Flycatcher were seen around Carrick Lough, Creeslough, Co Donegal (Mike McLaughlin)

Yesterday 5 Whimbrel were at Dundrum South Inner Bay and today 2 Common Sandpiper were at Kinnegar Lagoons. (David Nixon)

On Lough Beg, 3 adult Whoopers and 4 Cygnets were seen (Godfrey McRoberts)

Spotted Flyctcher, Mike McLaughlin:

Carrion Crow, Portaferry - Amy Weir

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