
Bird News Tuesday 13th July

 A summer plumaged Spotted Redshank was at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve, the two Ruff were also still present. (Bob Watts)

Loughshore, Jordanstown had a Med gull at the cafe and 2 carrion crows along the shore. (David Stirling)

The Fieldfare was seen again at Billy Neill's playing fields, Dundonald, along with 12 Mistle Thrush.(Chris Shaw).

A Corncrake was calling at a site near Portstewart. (Susie McDonagh).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Carrickfergus harbour this afternoon. (Paul McCullough).

Our thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the image of the Spotted Redshank, currently at the Wow RSPB reserve and to Paul McCullough for the picture of the Mediterranean Gull

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