
Bird News Monday 16th August

Three Little Gulls and a Garganey were at Lough Beg this afternoon. Ten Ruff were at Mullagh. (David Steele).

2 male Ruff where at the RSPB WoW reserve.(Wilton Farrelly).

Melmore Head in Donegal this morning had a Pomarine Skua, 21 Sooty Shearwaters, 290 Manx Shearwaters, a Puffin and 3 Arctic Terns. Lough Beg from Long Point this evening had a juvenile Little Gull, 5 Ruff, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, a Wigeon, 10 Little Egrets and 12 Whooper Swans including a pair with a single cygnet. (Oscar Campbell).

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