
Bird News Monday 13th September

11 Ruff and 3 Curlew Sandpiper were at RSPB WoW. An adult winter Mediterranean Gull and a dark phase Arctic Skua were off Kinnegar (Stuart McKee).

A 1st year Mediterranean Gull was at Sandy Bay in Larne this afternoon. Yesterday 7 Mediterranean Gulls were at Mill Bay on Islandmagee. (Cameron Moore).

6 Wheatears were at St John's Point. (John Spottiswood). 3 Wheatears were also at Ballinacor, Lough Neagh (Ed O'Hara)

2 Peregrine, 500 Brent and 6 Greylag were at Ballykelly. (Martin Deehan).

2 Peregrine and a Common Sandpiper were at the Roe Estuary. (Robert Hughes).

2 Arctic Skua were off Grey Point this evening (Wilton Farrelly).

Manx Shearwater, Lough Neagh, Michael Henderson:

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