
Bird News Saturday 11th September

The Bonaparte's Gull was on Kinnegar shore this morning, a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was also present. Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve had the 3 Curlew Sandpipers, 10 Ruff, a Sanderling and a Golden Plover. (Garry Armstrong).

The 2 juvenile Black Terns and the 2 Manx Shearwaters were still at Oxford Island this morning. (Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn / Tony Dodds)

2 Spotted Flycatchers, 2 Chiffchaff & 2 Wheatear were the best at St.John Point, Co.Down this morning. (Richard Hunter)

The Osprey was still at the Bann Estuary this morning. (Richard Donaghey). The Osprey was still present this afternoon, a Common Sandpiper was also present. (Robbie Hughes).

A Greenland race female Wheatear was at Burr Point, Ballyhalbert. (Derek Polley).

An adult Little Gull was at Whitehead seafront today. (Cameron Moore).

An Arctic Skua was off Magilligan Point. (Stephen Dunbar).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the picture of the Little Gull, to Stephen Dunbar for the picture of the Arctic Skua, to Richard Hunter for the picture of the Spotted Flycatcher and to Alastair McLean for the picture of the Wheatear:

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