
Bird News Saturday 18th September

The Little Stint, a White Wagtail, 2 Chiffchaff and 10 Ruff were at RSPB WoW this morning (Stuart McKee)

A Little Stint was at Kinnegar Pool on the rocks, early afternoon (Daniel Newton).

Two Buff-breasted Sandpipers were in the rough field at the bridge at the Roe Estuary end of Myroe. (Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn), Dermot Hughes)

The Bonaparte’s Gull was at the Kinnegar Sewage Pond at 4:20 (Bob Watts)

 4 Ruff where along the North shore of Strangford Lough today. (seen from along the path that starts at the Floodgates). 2 Wheatears were seen too.(David Nixon)

A Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Ruff at Myroe this evening.(John Spottiswood)

Our thanks to Daniel Newton for the photo of the Little Stint (right hand bird)

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