
Bird News Thursday 2nd September

The Bonaparte’s Gull is still at Kinnegar Shore this morning (Tony Dodds / Ronnie Doggart / Derek Polley). It subsequently moved to the sewage works (Tony Dodds / Andrew Millar)

RSPB WoW this morning had 2 Little Stint, 2 Curlew Sandpiper and 9 Ruff (Tony Dodds / Derek Polley)

A Wood Sandpiper was in the southwest corner of Lough Beg this afternoon before flying to the western shoreline, also a Garganey nearby on Lough Beg and the Great White Egret was seen again. (David Steele)

A Little Gull was at Kinnegar Shore this evening (Daniel Newton)

Video footage of the Bonaparte's Gull from Tony Dodds:

Bonaparte's Gull, Ronnie Doggart:

Bonaparte's Gull, Andrew Millar:

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