
Bird News Tuesday 7th September

 An inland Manx Shearwater was off the breakwater at Oxford Island, Lough Neagh this morning. (Ed O'Hara).

The Little Ringed Plover and a Ruff were at Portmore RSPB (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop / Tony Dodds)

The Spotted Redshank was still at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh (Shirley Dunlop / Gerard McGeehan).

RSPB WoW had two Little Stint, 5 Curlew Sandpiper and 11 Ruff  (Wilton Farrelly / Ken Brewster).

An eclipse male Pintail was on Kinnegar pool. (Daniel Newton).

Thanks to Comghal McQuillan for the picture of the Manx Shearwater at Oxford Island:

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