
Bird News Wednesday 8th September

A seawatch from 0915-1130 at St John’s Point had 7 Great Northern Diver, 1 Red-throated Diver, an Arctic Skua and a Puffin. Two Wheatear were at Killough (Bob Watts)

There was no sign this morning of the Spotted Redshank or the Little Ringed Plover at Portmore / Lady’s Bay (Kevin Kirkham)

Brent Geese continue to be reported with 80 at Newtownards (Brian Murphy) and 12 at Balls Point, Lough Foyle (Lindsay Hodges).

A Purple Sandpiper has returned to the rocks at Seacliffe Road in Bangor and two Mediterranean Gulls were at the east end of Ballyholme beach. A Little Stint, Knot and a Greenshank were at the Groomsport entrance to Ballymacormick Point. (James Andrew).

Two Curlew Sandpiper and a Little Stint were off the hide at the Bann estuary. (Stuart McKee, Martin Deehan).

A Melodious Warbler was on Tory Island (Anton Meenan).

Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve had 5 Curlew Sandpipers and 13 Ruff, a 2nd year Mediterranean Gull was at Kinnegar. (Wilton Farrelly).

Portmore Lough RSPB this afternoon had the Little Ringed Plover, a juvenile Ringed Plover and juvenile Dunlin. (Tom Ennis, Carol Gillespie).

Thanks to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the Gannet and the Sandwich Tern:

Melodious Warbler, Tory Island, Anton Meenan:

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