
Bird News Wednesday 6th October

The Long-billed Dowitcher was present at lunchtime at Portmore RSPB. The Pectoral Sandpiper was also present this afternoon. (Richard Caves \ Kenneth Brewster \ Joe Lamont \ Carol Gillespie \ David McCreedy)

The Marsh Harrier was also at Portmore Lough this morning (David McCreedy)

5 Whooper Swans were back in fields at the Comber end of Ballydrain Road today (David Weir)

The Bonaparte’s Gull was still at Kinnegar Sewage Works (Daniel Newton)

Many thanks to those who contacted us about the hide at the Quoile which DAERA say must still remain closed 'due to the Pandemic'. Disappointingly we do believe that this is the only hide in the UK and Ireland that remains closed.....

Long-billed Dowitcher, Kenneth Brewster (This picture shows the underwing detail which helps separate it from Short-billed Dowitcher - ):

Long-billed Dowitcher, Richard Caves:

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