
Bird News Friday 26th November

A Little Auk flew west at Ramore Head at 9:45. 4 Great Northern Diver were also seen. 

One of the Great White Egrets is still at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough this morning. (Kevin Kirkham).

At least one of the Bramblings is still visiting a garden near Magilligan. (Martin Deehan).

7 Grey Plover where at Myroe.(Gerry Bond)

A Twite was at Briggs Rocks.(Richard Weyl)

An Iceland Gull was on Rathlin.(Ric Else)

Slightly further afield... 1 Little Auk and c.45 auks off Fanad from14.30-15.30, 30 Long-tailed Duck in Glashagh Bay, 2 Little Auk off Ballyhooriskey Point from 16.00-16.30.(Robert Vaughan)

Our thanks to Gerry for the photo of one of the Grey Plover at Myroe. Also to Ric Else for the photo of t he Iceland Gull..

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