
Bird News Sunday 21st November

The Cattle Egret and two Great White Egrets were at the south end of Lough Beg this afternoon. (Richard Gray)

The Siberian Chiffchaff is still around the ponds at the Discovery Centre, Oxford Island. (Ed O’Hara) A second Siberian Chiffchaff is along the walk from Oxford Island marina to the breakwater. (Ed O'Hara, Garry Armstrong, Comghal McQuillan).

Six Great White Egret were seen roosting in trees at the edge of Closet Bay Oxford Island this evening (David Shilliday)

Three adult Mediterranean Gull are at Groomsport (Wilton Farrelly)

At least 6 Brambling were with approx 60 Chaffinch at the north end of Cushendun beach (Ivan Quail)

A high count of 64 Shoveler were at Belfast RSPB reserve (Ian Enlander)

A Slavonian Grebe was at Glynn (Gerard McGeehan et al) 

You can see more pictures of local birds at:

Kestrel, Brian Redpath:

Little Egrets, Whitehouse, Ian Enlander:

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