
Bird News Sunday 7th November

A Little Auk was seen briefly at Magilligan Point before flying into Lough Foyle. (Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn).

A Cattle Egret was at the south end of Lough Beg, 2 seperate Great White Egret along west shore, there was also 2 Ruff and the hybrid Wigeon.(Richard Gray)

8 Twite and 4 Purple Sandpiper amongst Turnstone feeding on shore opposite D'dee Community Centre.(Bob Watts)

3 Velvet Scoter flying south, 5 Stock Dove at Ballyquintin 3 Brambling on the beach at Kearney.(Billy Miskelly)

32 Whooper Swan where in Larne Lough.(Linda Thompson)

20+Red Kite where present outside of Castlewellan, a single bird was seen at Balloo.(Michael Latham).

A juvenile Great Northern Diver and a Slavonian Grebe were off the Croaghan hide at Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara, Comghal McQuillan).

A Hen Harrier was hunting over RSPB Portmore Lough.(Richard Caves)

Very white male Snow Bunting on Urris Hills, Inishowen, this afternoon.( Raymond Fulton )

A Great Northern Diver still in partial summer plumage was between Tower Road and Largy Road in Carnlough. (Greg Heaney).

Our thanks to Michael Latham for the photo of the Red Kite and also to Linda Thompson for the Whooper Swan flock.

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