
Bird News Tuesday 4th January

The Ring Ouzel was present again this morning on site at Ballard Road, Armagh (Mark Stewart / John Spottiswood)

The Black Redstart was showing again at Whitehead. 10+ Twite were also present. Six Greenlad Whitefronts were still at Larne Lough (Michael Latham)

A first winter Iceland Gull was also at Whitehead (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

6 Goosanders (2 male and 4 red heads) were on Corbet Lough this morning. Also 55 Whoopers in a flooded field nearby. (Mike McLaughlin)

A drake Ring-necked Duck was 500m east of Todd's Corner on the Ardmore shoreline, Lough Neagh (Clifford Sharpe)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Kinnegar Shore (Bob Watts)

The Bonaparte’s Gull was at the north end of Drains Bay, Co Antrim this morning (David Stirling)

A first-winter Iceland Gull was at Garron Point on the Antrim coast this afternoon. (David Steele)

Black Redstart, Michael Latham:

Greenland Whitefronted Goose, Michael Latham:

Iceland Gull, Whitehead, Michael Latham:

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